Storytelling For Peace In Times Of War

Humans are doers. When faced with crisis, we feel better if we can ‘do’ something in response. You don’t have to be on the frontlines of a battle to contribute. As a storyteller, you can wield influence from wherever you are. Stories may seem insignificant in the face of death and destruction but remember, they are how we got ourselves in this mess to begin with.

Right now, for Ukraine and as anti-war global citizens who stand in opposition to any group that seeks power through violence, we CAN take action.

How To Use Your Travels To Become A Citizen Storyteller

As a traveler, when you take up the mantle of a citizen storyteller, you now have a purpose to frame all of your future journeys. You can experience destinations from the perspective of the people who live there, develop relationships with remarkable humans who live differently than you, and use your travels to contribute in a useful, meaningful way.

Becoming a citizen storyteller enables deeper connection with yourself, your community, the causes you care about and the world you live in.

Travel and The Spirit Of Possibility

Each time you embark upon learning-led travels you tap into the spirit of possibility. Arriving with the curiosity of a student-of-the-world opens you to having new experiences. You consider alternate points of view and are motivated to dig deeper into what you don’t understand.

The Parks Of Studying Abroad For Adults

Your academic days may be behind you, but don’t let that ever stop you from learning more. Mid-life (or even quarter-life) crises are a thing because humans get pretty uncomfortable when we realize we have become stagnant. Travel has long been a means for novel escape but it can also be an opportunity for regeneration.  Even for adults, studying abroad makes for a meaningful travel experience that fuels personal growth. Get Unstuck There are periods in your life when you reach a plateau. You become disenchanted with adulting, you yearn for a change of scenery and an opportunity to grow. […]